Missouri State Student Emails 22 Women with the Same Name After Wrong Tinder Swipe

Missouri State University student, Hayden Moll, emailed over 20 women from MSU with the same name after a missed connection on the popular dating app, Tinder.

Moll accidentally swiped left on the app on a woman named “Claudia’s” photo, which typically means the person swiping does not wish to connect with the other. He quickly went to work finding Claudia after realizing his mistake of not swiping right.

He only had two things to go by: that she attended MSU and her name is Claudia.

MSU is a public university and provides school email addresses to the public. Moll used this information to his advantage and emailed 22 women with the name “Claudia” in hopes of finding the one he was looking for.

According to Fox 2 News in St. Louis, Claudia Alley shared screenshots of Moll’s email along with her Tinder profile photo acknowledging that she is the Claudia he had been searching for.

Moll and Alley plan to go on a doughnut date sometime soon.

Savannah is a third year Journalism major with a French minor at Colorado State University. She works as a Communications Intern for the CSU Alumni Association, and hopes to one day work in a French speaking country.