The teenager who slapped Israeli soldiers during a protest in the West Bank went viral and became another icon for her people.
The teenager who slapped Israeli soldiers during a protest in the West Bank went viral and became another icon for her people.
29 Congressional Democrats in Washington, D.C. are demanding justice in Brazil.
Criminal justice reform is feeling the Bern.
The First State is following other states in protecting LGBTQIA+ youth from a controversial practice.
The progressive Oakland Democrat will face Congresswoman Linda Sanchez of Eastern Los Angeles County.
Israel’s new law could undermine ethnic and religious peace in the country.
Could this be a big enough step toward universal healthcare?
You just can’t break up the Golden State.
The country’s most liberal state and Democratic stronghold snubs Feinstein for a more progressive Latino candidate.
Are we being fed useless information?
In 2018 and beyond, many Democratic voters are starting to Feel the Bern.
The Republic of Ireland will divest from non-renewables in the wake of climate change.
States like Massachusetts are considering ranked choice voting in order to increase electoral diversity.
The Jewish state is seriously considering the decriminalization of the substance.
The veteran journalist known for his blue-collar progressive politics has passed away.
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt resigned on July 5 after months of reports of corruption, malfeasance, and deceiving the public.
A New York investment banking executive wants his new political party to combat the partisan duopoly.
The former administration hoped to promote inclusivity and diversity in schools.
The two-time presidential candidate will become the country’s first major leftist leader.
The center-left former Dutch member of parliament is expected to rule over the Netherland’s largest city.
Stay tuned for thoughts.
Midterm primaries send shockwaves and possible historical firsts nationwide.
Kyle shared his real feelings about illegal immigrants with his fraternity brothers.
The Supreme Court’s approval of the travel ban has received both national support and scrutiny.
The former primer minister solidifies control over a historical secular Muslim majority.
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