Attorney General Accuses Colleges of ‘Coddling’ Students

Sessions speaking at George Washington University (Image: Fox News Video)

During a speech to high school students who are a part of Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership summit, Attorney General Jeff Sessions cited optional exams and therapy animals on colleges campuses as examples of “coddling” students, which stops them from “scrutinizing the validity of their beliefs on the issue of the day.”

Sessions also laughed when students in the audience broke into the “lock her up” chant that grew out of President Trump’s campaign rallies.

CBS News reported that Sessions told the students that, “after the 2016 election, for example, they held a ‘cry-in’ at Cornell — I hope they had plenty of tissues for them to cry on. They had therapy dogs on campus at the University of Kansas, and Play-Doh and coloring books at the great University of Michigan, for heaven’s sake. I thought that was…you know, give me a break! Students at Tufts were encouraged to ‘draw about their feelings.'”

“Rather than molding a generation of mature, well-informed adults,” Sessions continued in remarks also reported by Fox News,  “some schools are doing everything they can to create a generation of sanctimonious, sensitive, supercilious snowflakes.”

His remarks drew loud applause from the audience of conservative students.

Sessions specifically mentioned Middlebury College and the University of California, Berkeley for cracking down on conservative speakers. He warned that free speech is under attack on campuses across the country.

“This is not the 1960s anymore,” he said. “Our student body is more diverse than it has ever been.”