Inside the Ivy: Co-ed sororities, Trump, and Women in Politics Oh My!

In the News: Boys can now be in sororities at Harvard

Harvard’s chapter of the all-female sorority Kappa Kappa Gamma has established a new, gender-neutral social club and changed its name to Fleur-de-Lis. The Harvard Crimson reports, “Kappa—the third sorority to come to Harvard—is the first campus sorority to go co-ed since the College announced its social group penalties in May 2016. The sanctions, which took effect with the Class of 2021, bar members of single-gender final clubs and Greek organizations from receiving campus leadership positions, varsity athletic team captaincies, and College endorsement for prestigious fellowships like the Rhodes.”

While the club will accept any gender, a press release from the chapter president says the club will remain female-focused.


Yale psychiatrist attempts to diagnose Trump

Yale School of Medicine psychiatrist Bandy Lee was brought to D.C. last month to brief lawmakers on the mental state of President Trump.
The Yale Daily News reports, “On Dec. 5 and 6, Lee met with more than a dozen congressmen, including one Republican senator, Politico reported. In her presentation, Lee relied on the assessments of 27 mental health professionals, compiled in the book she edited, ‘The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.’ Though she could not diagnose Trump without a formal evaluation, she said, Trump’s recent behavior shows that he may be a danger to the American public.”

Lee has previously urged Congress to conduct a mental health evaluation on Trump and had a letter to the editor piece published in the New York Times saying Trump has put the world in danger.


Quote of the Week:

“If there are just males working on technology, we are never going to produce technology that will cater to the world, which is the ultimate goal of computer science.”
– Jane Lee, Dartmouth student on attending the 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration, the largest gathering of female technologists in the world


Doing laundry at Princeton sucks apparently
Cornell students are Olympic material

 Tweet of the Week:

Natalia is a recent graduate of George Mason University where she studied Communication (Journalism concentration) and Global Affairs (Environment concentration) in Fairfax, Virginia. She's looking to enter the media field as a writer and combine her passion of journalism and the environment.