Inside the Ivy: Professors resign over sexual misconduct allegations

Another Harvard professor resigns over assault charges

Harvard Medical School professor Harvey J. Makadon has resigned from his positon after being accused of sexual misconduct.

The Harvard Crimson reports, “Makadon, who had taught at the Medical School for decades, was accused of misconduct by several men, including World Bank health policy strategist Armin Fidler. Fidler claims that Makadon made unwanted advances toward him in 1990, while Fidler was a student at the Harvard School of Public Health, The Boston Globe reported Monday. He wrote to Harvard to report the alleged misconduct in November.”

Makadon denied the allegations in an interview this week.

…And so does a Columbia professor

Columbia photography professor Thomas Roma left his position this week amid sexual assault allegations from five women.

The Columbia Daily Spectator reports, “The accusers are all former students of Roma’s. They told The New York Times that Roma, who has been the director of the photography program at the School of the Arts since 1996, made inappropriate advances toward them while he was their professor.”

Roma’s lawyer says the professor has denied all allegations against him and he’s cooperated with university investigators.

Quote of the Week:

Yet to truly honor MLK Day, in light of its 2018 theme at Dartmouth centered around ‘Borders,’ we must engage outside the ‘Dartmouth bubble.’ Meaningfully celebrating MLK Day requires an element of service learning, answering King’s call to instill and encourage lifelong civic responsibility.
Rachna Shah, Dartmouth opinion piece “Keep Moving Forward”


Harvard’s photos that captured 2017
True education is self-education according to this Dartmouth student

Tweet of the Week:

Natalia is a recent graduate of George Mason University where she studied Communication (Journalism concentration) and Global Affairs (Environment concentration) in Fairfax, Virginia. She's looking to enter the media field as a writer and combine her passion of journalism and the environment.