“Our Ancestors Tamed a Continent” says Donald Trump

Yesterday, May 25, 2018, Donald Trump spoke at the commencement for the Naval Academy. Donald Trump has a tendency to put foot to mouth and his commencement speech was another great example of that. During his speech, he said many things about how great America is and was. One of the most thoughtless moments of his speech was when he said that in recent years people have forgotten that our “ancestors trounced an empire, tamed a continent and triumphed over the worst evils and history.”

It seems that Donald Trump believes that the countless murders of Native Americans is how a continent is tamed. That or he doesn’t beleive that the Native Americans were here be the colonists arrived. Either way, the statement is completely disgusting and dismissive of an entire people.

Trump went on to say that we would not apologize for America becuase it has been a staple of peace and freedom in the history of the world,

Yes while, America has triumphed over evils they have also perpetrated evils. People have not forgotten the triumphs they just want America to acknowledge the evils they have committed and are continuing to commit. America needs to apologize because it has not always been a staple of peace and freedom in the history of the world. America is great and part of being great is admitting wrongs and growing from them, Donald Trump didn’t get that memo.

Ojanae Marshall
My name is Ojanae Marshall. I am a rising senior at Montclair State University. I am majoring in Religion with a minor in Psychology. I have been writing all my life, I love it. I started getting published as a writer for Sex etc. a sexual education magazine and continued my career from there. I am excited to be apart of CMN. When I am not writing or in school, I am a full-time infant teacher at a daycare. I love working with the babies, it makes me extremely happy. In my free time, I love Netflix and music for which I have eclectic taste. I am also ready to learn and laugh.