Track Review: William Tyler ‘Not In Our Stars’

William Tyler stays true to his humble and simplistic style on “Not In Our Stars” from his album, Goes West, scheduled to be released in January.

Tyler uses an acoustic guitar to bring a raw and authentic element to the song. Because Tyler focuses on one instrument, the sound is much clearer and more precise.

While Tyler’s vocals and the acoustic guitar are central to the album, other musicians including Meg Duffy (guitar), Bill Frisell (guitar), Brad Cook (bass and producer), James Wallace (keyboard), Griffin Goldsmith (drums), and Tucker Martin (engineer) are also featured. These talented musicians elevate the album and compliment Tyler’s sound beautifully.

Upon first listen, the gentle strings of his guitar and the low roll of the drum beat had me curled up on the couch with my shoulders sinking back into the cushions and my eyes slowly closing.

“Not In Our Stars” exudes safety and warmth. It’s transporting: a rural scene with a warm setting sun on my face and a soft wind in my hair feels palpable when listening to it.

This may not be the track to belt in the car with your friends, but it is beautiful from start to finish. Perfect for a night in or a slow and lazy morning.

Rachel Cross
Rachel is a Journalism and Communications major student in Southern California. She has also studied briefly at Arizona State University. She started her journalism career in high school where she attended and competed in 3 consecutive years at the JEA/NSPA National Higher Journalism Convention. Currently, Rachel is working to finish her degree, and in her free time she enjoys hiking, going to the beach, and fueling her love for coffee and books.