Want to Study Abroad? Phi Kappa Phi Can Help You Out – But Apply Soon

Phi Kappa Phi, the oldest honor society in the US, is offering 25 $1,000 study abroad grants this fall to undergraduate students that intend to “[expand their] knowledge and experience in their academic field.” The organization, founded in 1897, seeks to inspire and encourage academic excellence in all areas of study. The program is highly selective, accepting only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 percent of juniors.

For some students, these grants are the deciding factor in their decision to study abroad. One recipient from Berea College reports the grant allowed her to study abroad in Mexico, helping her improve her Spanish speaking skills, “understand nuances of cultures other than my own, and develop the independence that studying abroad requires of you,” Grace Kinner, Session A study abroad grant recipient, said.

To apply for a grant, you do not need to be a member, but must have an active chapter at your current school or university. The fall application deadline is September 15th, but the organization will also offer 50 additional grants in the spring.

To apply, use the link below:


Alex Mauriello
Alex Mauriello is a senior English major with a Biology minor at The College of New Jersey. She loves pizza, her dogs, and using excessive amounts of sarcasm whenever possible.